Life Insurance

Forbes calls life insurance “one of the pillars of personal finance, deserving of consideration by every household.” We agree.

Unfortunately, this vital form of insurance is underused -- likely because it is associated with the end of a life.

But life insurance truly is for the living. It replaces lost wages and lessens financial burdens for people who are dealing with a loss.

Funeral expenses, debts and mortgages, retirement funds, tuition, going back to work or remaining a stay-at-home caregiver -- life insurance can be a difference maker in the financial quality of life for survivors. Fortify Group agents will walk you through the details of life insurance and what it can mean, and perhaps point out uses one may not have considered:

  • Business partners may want life insurance to keep their business running if one partner passes away.
  • New college grads may need life insurance to cover their student loan debt in the event of their death.
  • Parents are advised to have a small life insurance amount on their children for unforeseen, final expenses. 

Don't sweat life insurance. Think of it as Plan Z - the last one you ever want to need, but necessary none-the-less.

Give this Trusted Choice article a read. It explains the process and its terms in a fun, no-worries way:

Tiffany W. is pictured at work with a brick stone background. She gave Fortify Group testimonial comment.
Saved me almost $75 per month!! Definitely worth a quote!
Tiffany W.